Sosiaalisessa mediassa pyörii nyt huhu, että joku suomalainen vanhempi nainen sai juuri vr:ltä tekstiviestinä turvallisuuskyselyn, jossa kyseltiin olisiko tämän matkustajan mukaan turvallisempaa, jos rokottamattomat istuisivat eri junavaunuissa. Two deities (who are probably baal's servants gupn and ugar) arrive at el's mountainous abode where the two oceans meet and doing homage, announce to him that they have been all round the earth searching for baal and that they have just come from the land of pastures by the bank of the river of death, where they have found him lying dead.
Sosiaalisessa mediassa pyörii nyt huhu, että joku suomalainen vanhempi nainen sai juuri vr:ltä tekstiviestinä turvallisuuskyselyn, jossa kyseltiin olisiko tämän matkustajan mukaan turvallisempaa, jos rokottamattomat istuisivat eri junavaunuissa.
Sosiaalisessa mediassa pyörii nyt huhu, että joku suomalainen vanhempi nainen sai juuri vr:ltä tekstiviestinä turvallisuuskyselyn, jossa kyseltiin olisiko tämän matkustajan mukaan turvallisempaa, jos rokottamattomat istuisivat eri junavaunuissa. Two deities (who are probably baal's servants gupn and ugar) arrive at el's mountainous abode where the two oceans meet and doing homage, announce to him that they have been all round the earth searching for baal and that they have just come from the land of pastures by the bank of the river of death, where they have found him lying dead.
Sosiaalisessa mediassa pyörii nyt huhu, että joku suomalainen vanhempi nainen sai juuri vr:ltä tekstiviestinä turvallisuuskyselyn, jossa kyseltiin olisiko tämän matkustajan mukaan turvallisempaa, jos rokottamattomat istuisivat eri junavaunuissa. Two deities (who are probably baal's servants gupn and ugar) arrive at el's mountainous abode where the two oceans meet and doing homage, announce to him that they have been all round the earth searching for baal and that they have just come from the land of pastures by the bank of the river of death, where they have found him lying dead.
Two deities (who are probably baal's servants gupn and ugar) arrive at el's mountainous abode where the two oceans meet and doing homage, announce to him that they have been all round the earth searching for baal and that they have just come from the land of pastures by the bank of the river of death, where they have found him lying dead.
Two deities (who are probably baal's servants gupn and ugar) arrive at el's mountainous abode where the two oceans meet and doing homage, announce to him that they have been all round the earth searching for baal and that they have just come from the land of pastures by the bank of the river of death, where they have found him lying dead. Sosiaalisessa mediassa pyörii nyt huhu, että joku suomalainen vanhempi nainen sai juuri vr:ltä tekstiviestinä turvallisuuskyselyn, jossa kyseltiin olisiko tämän matkustajan mukaan turvallisempaa, jos rokottamattomat istuisivat eri junavaunuissa.
Sosiaalisessa mediassa pyörii nyt huhu, että joku suomalainen vanhempi nainen sai juuri vr:ltä tekstiviestinä turvallisuuskyselyn, jossa kyseltiin olisiko tämän matkustajan mukaan turvallisempaa, jos rokottamattomat istuisivat eri junavaunuissa. Two deities (who are probably baal's servants gupn and ugar) arrive at el's mountainous abode where the two oceans meet and doing homage, announce to him that they have been all round the earth searching for baal and that they have just come from the land of pastures by the bank of the river of death, where they have found him lying dead.
Two deities (who are probably baal's servants gupn and ugar) arrive at el's mountainous abode where the two oceans meet and doing homage, announce to him that they have been all round the earth searching for baal and that they have just come from the land of pastures by the bank of the river of death, where they have found him lying dead.
Two deities (who are probably baal's servants gupn and ugar) arrive at el's mountainous abode where the two oceans meet and doing homage, announce to him that they have been all round the earth searching for baal and that they have just come from the land of pastures by the bank of the river of death, where they have found him lying dead. Sosiaalisessa mediassa pyörii nyt huhu, että joku suomalainen vanhempi nainen sai juuri vr:ltä tekstiviestinä turvallisuuskyselyn, jossa kyseltiin olisiko tämän matkustajan mukaan turvallisempaa, jos rokottamattomat istuisivat eri junavaunuissa.
19+ Fresh Vr Bank Krp - Private Banking Grünstadt - Vereinigte VR Bank Kur- und - Two deities (who are probably baal's servants gupn and ugar) arrive at el's mountainous abode where the two oceans meet and doing homage, announce to him that they have been all round the earth searching for baal and that they have just come from the land of pastures by the bank of the river of death, where they have found him lying dead.. Sosiaalisessa mediassa pyörii nyt huhu, että joku suomalainen vanhempi nainen sai juuri vr:ltä tekstiviestinä turvallisuuskyselyn, jossa kyseltiin olisiko tämän matkustajan mukaan turvallisempaa, jos rokottamattomat istuisivat eri junavaunuissa. Two deities (who are probably baal's servants gupn and ugar) arrive at el's mountainous abode where the two oceans meet and doing homage, announce to him that they have been all round the earth searching for baal and that they have just come from the land of pastures by the bank of the river of death, where they have found him lying dead.